Monday, January 23, 2012

Early to Bed, Early to Rise

I believe there are two kinds of people in the world: those that watch the sun come up and those that don't. I want to be the kind of person that is excited to watch a sunrise, but I'm not. I hate getting up that early, all I can think about is how I would rather be sleeping, and I usually don't feel well. While we were in Africa in 2008, we had the opportunity to watch the sun come up over the Indian Ocean each morning. Everyday people would set their alarms, wake up and watch the beauty of a new day begin. Each evening I had every intention of waking with my friends the next morning, but never actually got out of bed to head down to the beach. As people described the sunrise, I felt that I was missing something really fantastic. Then, half way through our trip, I realized I wasn't actually missing out because I was experiencing exactly what I wanted: sleep. I work much better in the evenings and really dislike having to wake before the sun. Some people have absolutely no issue getting up in the dark, but I do (especially on vacation, yuck!). I would much rather stay up late and sleep in and I'm fine being one of these people.

Are you an early riser? Do you enjoy watching the sunrise, or are you ok with skipping it? 
(Photo: Sunrise taken in Maui, HI in 2010. I was sleeping in the car :)


  1. I'd love to see the sunrise every morning! Too bad, I can't get myself to get out of bed early enough. I'm far from being an early riser.

  2. I am an early riser but I still enjoy it best when I can begin slowly, with coffee, my breakfast, my devotional, news updates, etc. When I get up in the morning, I love the quiet. It helps me focus on gratitude and God and helps my day proceed more smoothly and positively. I love being up but I must admit, I am also very positive and happy n the morning. On the other end of the day, however, don't expect me to be too interested in much activity. I can socialize when opportunities present themselves but, I definitely love my bedtime!


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