Six months ago, a great IT consulting firm decided to let an intern enter their office and learn from their employees. This is when my relationship with T began. T (I've chosen to exclude the company's full name) is great and will probably be referred to often. It is a fast-paced, challenging environment where expectations run high. I have been stretched in new ways and pushed to think much more critically than school could ever teach me. Although it is the perfect environment for corporate experience, I'm not sure I want to live in a corporate world. I realize I don't "live" at work, but I am there at least 40 hours a week; I spend 2/3 of my awake time in a cubicle looking at a computer screen. This is not a future I had imagined for myself.
I've decided to create this blog because I am facing a time in my life where all of my expectations are shifting; optimism is fading and disappointment is taking charge. I am writing because I don't know how to handle all that is before me. I don't want this to be a bitter rant where I have free reign to complain about anything and everything. I want this to be a place of process, a place of challenge, and a place of hope. I write not so I become a Bitter Blogger, but so that I can hold on to the optimism and excitement that propelled me through 19 years of education.
I've decided to create this blog because I am facing a time in my life where all of my expectations are shifting; optimism is fading and disappointment is taking charge. I am writing because I don't know how to handle all that is before me. I don't want this to be a bitter rant where I have free reign to complain about anything and everything. I want this to be a place of process, a place of challenge, and a place of hope. I write not so I become a Bitter Blogger, but so that I can hold on to the optimism and excitement that propelled me through 19 years of education.
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