Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Comfy Chair

Robbie and I have a corner in our room that is the perfect size for a reading chair.  Currently, we have a large leather recliner that we inherited from our parents.  It has definitely served it's purpose, but I have been slowly dropping hints to let Robbie know I am interested in giving that space a face lift.

I want something that is large, comfortable, cloth, and complimentary to the room.  Below are a few that make me want to curl up with a warm blanket, hot chocolate, and a good book.



(This one is a bit big, but so fun!)

Do you have a reading chair?  Do you have any recommendations on what to look for or where to go?

(Photos courtesy of urbanoutfitters.comballarddesigns.com, and westelm.com)


  1. Yes, I have a reading chair that I have mixed feelings about. It sits under my window by a lamp so I get really great lighting which I love and it's the perfect size for me to curl up in. That said, I love to sit sideways with my legs curled under me and the "arms" are in a modern square style with little padding. Its not bad with a throw pillow, but not completely comfortable. Good luck in your search!!

  2. Thanks for the insight Jules! I was thinking of a square style as well, but maybe I should consider more options (or make sure there is extra cushion!). I also like to idea of having a chair with an ottoman, so I can fully stretch out if I wanted to.


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