Although I wasn't able to make it into the kitchen, that didn't stop my stomach from growling over what I did find. Liz, over at A Whisk and a Prayer, created a drool-worthy version of Mac N Cheese in a slow cooker. Look at how perfectly the melted cheese and crumbs work together.
(Don't you just want to dive right in?!)
And Deb, over at Smitten Kitchen, put a unique twist on grilled cheese and tomato soup combo. Her recipe obviously displays thought and creativity. It is a delicious combo I would never be brave enough to think of myself!
(Isn't mixing the two genius?!)
I was naturally drawn to each of these recipes by my love for cheese. Both look simple enough for my amateur skill level (although roasting tomatoes seems a bit intimidating), so I'm excited to have the opportunity to try them. I'll be sure to let you know how they turn out. You can find the Mac 'N Cheese recipe here and the grilled cheese/ tomato soup recipe here. Enjoy!
What are your go-to rainy weather foods? Do you have any advice for roasting tomatoes? I'm all ears!
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