Boy, I have plans for this weekend. There are certain items that have been lingering on my to-do list and I'm ready to check them off! Some of the items on my list are fun, but they are still things I have been meaning to take care of. This weekend will include:
- Catching up on my BYW reading. Blogging Your Way is the online blogging course that Holly over at decor8 offers; it is AMAZING!
- Attending a beautiful wedding, in a beautiful place, for a beautiful friend.
- Catching up with a long-time friend and old roommate, Tracy (she'll be here for the beautiful wedding mentioned above).
- Work on/complete some Grad school homework.
- Work on a new blog series!
What are your plans this weekend? Will it be busy or relaxed? Whatever they are, I hope you enjoy them!
Catching up with a long time friend and old roommate Yeee-eeeeeah, that sounds like a blast Stace. :D