Thursday, November 15, 2012

What Are You Making For Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is just a week away! I absolutely love this holiday and everything involved (read: the excess amount of food, the unavoidable food coma, and the wonderfully snuggly midday nap). We will be enjoying Thanksgiving at my mom's house this year, and I need to let her know what I am bringing. Here's where I need some help because I'm not sure what to bring. Should I sign up for dessert (definitely within my comfort zone), or branch out with a side? I won't be signing up for green bean casserole because my sister totally kills it (in a great way) and I wouldn't want to embarrass myself. Let's keep in mind that I am not the most creative in the kitchen, so I'll need to focus on something fairly straightforward. Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions?

What will you be making this year? Maybe I can rip off your idea. :)


  1. I'm only bringing food for Friday and Saturday as we are eating out on Thanksgiving Day but, Ashley made mini pumpkin and apple pies that were delicious (I got to taste test) and she's making a caramel apple pie that's baked in a skillet for her in-laws house on turkey day.

    On the side dish side, Stacy Morse makes a killer corn tomatilla casserole that also tastes fabulous. It gets me every time!

    Steal on.............


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