Thursday, December 13, 2012

Roller Derby Names

My friend Jenny has an innate ability to come up with kick ass roller derby names. A couple of weeks ago I asked her to come up with a few for me and this is what she sent over...

Stacy Creech Ernst:
- Stace Invader
- Creech the Creep
- Ernst and Young Financial Investments
- Beyon-slay (because of your love for Beyonce, obviously)

I think they are absolutely hysterical and number 1 and 4 are my favorites. Soon, the trend caught on and she has since created names for more of our friends...

Emily Atsatt:
- Emily Kickinson
- Em-Fatale
- Emilay-Her-Out
- The Eminator
- Eminent Threat
- Em-Bot 

Shannon Renfro: 
- Shan-Bam-Thank-You-Ma'am
- Renfro Your Life
- Shenanigans (or Shenaniguns)
- Shank-You Ma'am
- Shanihilator
- Shan-Wow
- Shantastic

Alison LeClair:
- Alotta Trouble
- Alison Wonderslam
- LeClair Flare
- Ali-gator Smack-ya-later
- Al-Be-Back
- Ali-bama-Slamma
- The Aliminator
- Ali-vya Bleeding

I absolutely love seeing them come up in my Facebook feed, so I asked if she would send over her archive. It's a real beauty I tell you...

Leah Lemau:
- Leahnardo DiPunchy
- Leahthal Injection
- Lemouth Puncher
- Leah Left-hook Lemau

Brittany Brown:
- Encyclopedia Britt-slammica
- Britt-knee Fears
- Britta Filter Water Purification System
- Brie-elzebub

Julie Deaver:
- Unruly Julie
- Kick-in-The Jules
- Ju-leave Me in Stitches
- Deaver the Cleaver

Carla Mills:
- AK-Shorty-7
- Cartel Milenio
- Carla Bruise-knee (like Carla Bruni)

Mary Hart: 
- Mother Mary Mayhem
- Hart Attack
- Mary J. Bludgeon 

Do you have the ability to come up with clever nicknames? If you could create a roller derby name for yourself, what would it be? 


  1. oh my goodness, these are BRILLIANT! I want a cool name!!!

    p.s. I love Stace Invader

    1. 1. So-So-So-Brina
      2. Sobring it on
      3. Tung-Fu-Slama (favorite!!)
      4. Tung Pow Kickin

      AWFUL! haha. that's all i got right now. tell me some celebrities that you like! i might be able to come up with a few more for you.

  2. I LOVE sobring it on!!!!! Thanks, Jenny. Made my day :)

  3. Can she help me out? My name is Stephanie Bennett and I can't find ANYTHING! Those are great names, and what a talent!

  4. I need a good name my name is emily and I want something wolf incorporated!

  5. Shannon Conrad here. I'm all tattooed up and ready 2 skate but can't think of name.


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