What Do You Use to Decompress?
Do you listen to talk radio? I love it, but I've realized that recently I've been listening to everything except my local public radio station. I attribute the decrease in my listening to my drive home. I find that I use my commute time to completely zone out and decompress from the day. That is what I originally intended it to be, an opportunity to decompress. What it has become instead, is a time for me to daydream about random thoughts that distract me from my actual goals.
In an effort to focus more on living in the present and focusing energy on how to get to where I want (rather than just daydreaming about it), I've decided to cut back on listening to mindless music. I am either using quiet time to process my day, my goals, and next steps, or I am listening to NPR. So far, I have found this to be extremely affective. It's nice to feel as though I have my thought process back, or to be updated on national and global news. There are times when my brain is just too exhausted and all I can listen to is music. At these times, I'm happy to let my mind wander into the story of a song.
How do you decompress? Do you have a listening routine while you are in the car?
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I also listen to my talk radio station in the morning on the way to work. I enjoy news, politics and sports. I save the music for when I come home. I love to crank it up really, really loud in the car! It makes me laugh if I forget to turn down and I turn on the radio the next day and blow out an eardrum.......lolhttp://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=CmF6WNOFCT-z7NseyiAKX7OitDIuew-0Bg_XspRzq8qYVCAAQASCmhvAXKANQt-mcpQVgyZ75hsijoBmgAafdhv8DyAEBqgQWT9BhhjJRf6zClGQeag03yXWXhPtt1YAFkE4&sig=AOD64_1Gz9sIqLFxvPLREtfdLFMMXIqmMA&ved=0CC0Q0Qw&adurl=http://search.sailrite.com/category/Sunbrella-Canvas-Outdoor-Fabric