Excitement + Anxiety
Guys, this week has been a crazy mix of excitement and anxiety. I'm excited because I've made some great progress on a personal project, but so anxiety ridden because I have looming deadlines that need attention. For example, I haven't purchased a single Christmas gift. Eekkk! I have less than 12 days to make that happen and I'm trying to be budget conscious this year. Any recommendations? I would LOVE to hear some. Mix that in with Content deadlines and holiday festivities, and we have ourselves a great (read: sweat inducing) time!
Back to the excitement. Although my poor time management has made me sweaty, it really is a great time of year. Pretty white lights everywhere, people put a priority on spending time with one another, and good food as the centerpiece at every function. I'm absolutely thrilled that my best friend will be home in just over a week, and I'm loving the fact that Christmas carols are being sung everywhere. These are the things I need to remember as I'm worrying about a long list of to-dos.
(Photo take at DisneyWorld last Christmas)
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Chuck D and Momma Ernst want time with their children for Christmas. No shopping required for that one!